Piggy Punisher

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Piggy Punisher

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.

About Monster & Pig

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Welcome to our debauchery website! It’s filled with chaos, sadism, screaming, and loving aftercare. A little about us and the content we make:

I’m a mid 40s extreme sadist and pig is a 38 year old broken thing. She is my 24/7 house pig and lives her life devoted to me. She has no rights other than the rights I give her (which are little if any). I set her bed time, tell her what she can eat, when she needs to workout, and what she can wear. She has to ask permission to use the bathroom, leave the house, and take showers. I control everything.

All of our videos are made with consent and communication. I take my pig’s safety very seriously and would never put her in any real danger. My pig is not only fully consenting but is the one who edits and posts all of our videos with my permission. If at any time she seems exploited or in danger, remember she chose to have herself displayed that way based on the clips she selected.

Pig’s safe word is not “no”, “stop”, “please”, or “don’t” or any other variation of a “no” based word. It is crayon. We chose an intentionally non sexual non conflicting word so that if it’s said it stands out and is easily distinguished. She can also use the term yellow if she’s pushed past a certain point. She also has non verbal cues she can use if her mouth is ever covered. We love each other very much and my main priority is her safety.

We have a lot of content that isn’t suitable for any one platform and decided to make our own website for it. We will have a variety of full length videos that will be available for sale as well as more extreme shorter clips that we can’t post elsewhere.

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@ piggypunisher

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